“Mission societies also sponsored the first international students to gain a higher education in Europe and the United States.”
Christian Mission: How Christianity Became a World Religion 1st Edition by Dana L. Robert
I’m reading this morning about the history and development of Christian mission around the world and I ran across this statement. There are around one international students in the United States today with around half of them coming from India and China. It has been said repeatedly that 75-80% of international students are never invited into an American home. I have been told that we are to welcome and minister to international students as a form of Christian hospitality, but I never considered that the whole program was started by Christian missionaries overseas years ago. When you see international students in the United States, also see that as a legacy of Christian foreign missions.
Much of the world as we experience it now was shaped by Christians following the mission of God to take the gospel to the ends of the earth and who did hard work in various and diverse years ago. Now the nations have come to us and people are on the move all over the world with cultures colliding, what does that mean for Christian mission today? How should be see and receive people? What is God doing in these days to expand and replenish then church?